Electrify Brookline is a collaboration between the Town of Brookline’s Zero Emissions Advisory Board (ZEAB), Mothers Out Front Brookline (MOF) and Climate Action Brookline (CAB).
Our goal is to provide clear information to guide the community on the path toward electrification – improving the energy efficiency, health and comfort of their living spaces while reducing climate-damaging emissions to preserve a livable future for all.
Contact us at Electrify Brookline.
These How-To Guides may contain links to other public or private organizations. The Town of Brookline does not guarantee the accuracy of information on other organizations’ sites to which this guide links. Links to any product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not constitute or imply any endorsement, recommendation, or association with those sites, the material contained therein, or the sponsoring entities by the Town of Brookline or any of their officials, appointees, boards, agents, and employees. The Town of Brookline makes no claims, no representations, and no warranties (express or implied) about the validity, affordability, accuracy, or viability of any products or services offered by any such organizations. The Town of Brookline disclaims any liability stemming from errors or omissions in the contents of these sites, or for any improper or incorrect use of their contents. The burden for determining the accuracy or appropriateness of information on these sites rests solely on the user accessing the information. The contents of these sites are not owned or controlled by the Town, and the Town disavows any legal responsibility for the opinions expressed on them.
© 2023 - 2025 Electrify Brookline (Massachusetts)